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Friday, September 17, 2010

My Sister's Baby Shower


Flower Diaper Cake - This was for my sister's baby shower.  It was baked with diapers, artificial flowers, face washes and teddy bear.  All items are useable for the baby!!! But I didn't just stop there!!!!! I also baked
a Bicycle Diaper Cake that includes diapers, bibs, face wash, bottle, booties, fleece blankets and a toy link.
Bicycle Diaper Cake - side viewI purchased so many items for my sister's baby, I just couldn't resist! My first niece!  So I thought what else can I bake for her……..Then I decided to bake a baby bassinet to add most of the items she will need.  I had extra diapers and decided to bake a standard diaper cake. She was so happy with all the cakes I baked for her and as you can see most of the colours are pink! My sister found out she was having a little girl............well she better be cause all of these items cannot be returned!!!!!! lol

Bicycle_ Diaper_Cake_ -_ Baby_ Bassinet_ Diaper_Cake_ and_Standard_Diaper_Cake